1 到Codashop Taiwan選擇想儲值的遊戲. 點選你要的商品;
Visit the Codashop Taiwan website and select the game that you want to top up. Then, choose the denom that you want to purchase; |
2 選擇付款方式街口支付;
Select JKO Pay; |
3 輸入E-Mail (請務必輸入正確的Email),點選立即購買;
Enter your email address (please make sure that the email is correct and valid) and click the Buy Now button; |
4 確認訂單、選擇電子發票處理方式,然後點擊「繼續」前往付款。
Confirm your order and select how you like to get the receipt. And click “Continue” to proceed with payment; |
5 跳轉至街口支付頁面,並確認付款 *使用行動裝置會自動切換到街口支付APP,若未自動跳轉,請點選頁面的連結以開啟。 *使用桌上型電腦的話,此步驟會要求您用手機開啟街口支付後,掃描電腦畫面上的QRCODE以繼續進行付款。
You will be directed to the JKO Pay page and finish the payment. |
6 完成支付後,跳回至Codashop TW頁面,即會顯示支付成功。
After finished your payment, the page will redirect to Codashop Taiwan with a Payment Success message pop-up. |